• 一個人就算再好,但不願陪你走下去,那他就是過客

  • 時間越久 越不願離開你 這才叫愛人

The Reality

Tuesday, August 27
I have nowhere to run, to escape anymore

I will be facing the society soon, real soon

One of the thing that I used to be afraid of

Everyone around me reminds me that I'm graduating soon

After couple months of Lepak-ing

I have no reason to extend my thesis

Yay, I should have decide what to do

It's just a start, more to go

A lil gift from the lil bro :)

Back on Da Blog

Sunday, August 25
After a few years of abandonment, time to get back.
Finally found a layout the is the closest to my expectation.
Will modify soon, time to bed Night :D